P23012 Zeiss/Katalyst

Interior Renovation


Bidding Closed

Bid Date6/13/23 4:00pm

Company & Contacts

BEX Construction Services
Tim Marstall  


722 Goddard Ave

New 18,400 SF Mezzanine with new construction above/below and renovation of existing office space, two levels approx 11,500 SF each (total SF approx 60,000 SF). Scope of work includes: Demolition (west of C Line, 1st & 2nd Fl), Masonry, Casework, Doors/Frames/Hrdw, Glas/Glazing, Drywall, Acoustical Ceilings, Resilient Flooring, Tile, Epoxy Flooring, Toilet Acc/Part, Demountable Glass Partitions, Lockers, Elevator, Sprinklers, Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical.                                    

*****   Please note changing scale between 1/8" per ft and 3/32 per ft   *****

WalkThru Date/Time : 6/7/23 @ 9:00am