P24043 Community Opportunities
2,473 sqft Building Addition and 4,008 sqft Office Renovation
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 6/27/24 2:00pm |
Company & Contacts
BEX Construction Services
Bill Slater /Marison Ramos
314-223-3757 / 314-695-1929
44 Opportunity Court Troy, MO 63379
WalkThru Date/Time : Monday June 24th from 1 to 2PM
New 2,473sqft building addition and 4,008 sqft interior office renovation. Last day to submit RFI's 6/20/2024. Work includes but not limited to Fire blocking, gyp. board, concrete, masonry, pre-engineered truss drawings, structual steel, roofing, gutters, downspouts, aluminum storefront door/window systems, sheet metal, flashing, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, lighting, doors, frames, hardware, windows, casework, ceiling, flooring, site work, asphalt paving, tree removal, concrete removal, pre-fab metal gazebo.